January 27, 2021 2023-07-21 13:28Alumni
Pastor Haja Rafidison
My wife and I were graduated from the “Intensive Training School” in Kiev, Ukraine. From that we got a strong foundation in Christ, so that we could start a church in Madagascar. In 1998, Bishop came to Madagascar to set me into ministry, and from that time the church grew step by step in number. In 2006 God through the mother church (Rock City Church of Baltimore) gave us a piece of land, and a metal building for a church building. Today we have 33 churches. Four of them are in the capital Antananarivo, and God opened doors for us to impact the areas where the churches are located. We give away food, clothes, and homes. We are working with mayors and a minister of agriculture and livestock of the actual government. Through all the years, we have dedicated several counties and cities for Christ.
Apostle Augustus Arthur
I am Apostle Augustus Arthur, an old student of ITS. This whole journey started when my sister who lived in Italy came to Ghana and made a promise to take me with her. Holding unto this promise made me relocate from my hometown to Accra the capital city of Ghana leaving my family behind. Leaving my hometown, I was a staunch member of AME Zion church with my primary job in the church as a pastor’s steward and an SU leader.
I got to Accra where the search for AME Zion church began after I had settled down in the year 1990. I finally found one but it was a quite a distance from where I lived at that time, so I decided to look for a church closer to me with the Church of Pentecost or Assemblies of God in mind.
I went before the Lord in a 3-day prayer and fasting, and truly the Lord spoke. On the third day of the fast, I received a message from a 70-year-old lady called Sarah Lamptey. She spoke to me about a church called Rock Church which was located in the United Stated of America, of which her daughter Lillian was a part. According to Madam Sarah who was then my neighbor, Lilian her daughter shared with her a prophecy about starting Rock Church in Africa, of which Ghana is to be the platform and the church in Virginia was ready to send a missionary right away. After this conversation with Madam Sarah, I was convinced in my spirit that this was the doing of the Lord and a response to my prayers. So I started the church in the front porch of her house on 20th June 1993 with 11 (eleven) people at our first meeting. Not too long we were able to secure one of the classrooms in one of the reputable schools in Accra called Greenhill International School. Mr. Steve Crawford, a young retired American Navy missionary, was sent to help teach First Principles, share the word of God and baptize whosoever. I worked hand in hand with Steve in all the activities that concerned the ministry and it was through that when Steve introduced me to Bishop John Gimenez. Bishop Gimenez extended an open arm full of love to me and asked me to go back to my hometown to bring my family to live with me in the City while he and Steve prepared me to travel to Ukraine-Kiev for the Intensive Training School (ITS) which took place on 22nd June, 1994 and that began my encounter with Bishop Bart Pierce.
Bishop Bart Pierce gave me a word of prophecy during my graduation day that God is giving me a new family, culture, different color and different language to help me win my city for God. Out of the 31 students I was the only black man. I came back to Ghana where Bishop Gimenez met with me in Ghana and ordained me as the Pastor of Rock Church International in Ghana and Africa. I was then invited to Virginia Beach for the first time during the Washington for Jesus Conference. In the year 1998, I was travelling from Ghana to Virginia Beach, USA and it just dawned on me to go to Baltimore so I went to Baltimore instead, and I looked for the location of the church and met with Bishop Bart Pierce, who then invited me in and to stay at the Nehemiah House, and that was when Bishop Bart Pierce said I could stay and be part of Cromwell Christian School of Ministry.
So I became one of the pioneers of Cromwell Christian School of Ministry. After my training in the year 2000, I was sent back to my country and now with a broader vision on how to run the church. After 3 years my daughter Millicent Vesna Arthur was also sent there. Currently I have two pastors in the Bible school and a deaconess who also returned after a year of the Intensive Training School.
ITS (Intensive Training School) has such a positive impact over Rock City Church in Ghana. My experience during the ITS has helped me start Rock Christian School of Ministry where we have been able to train a number of pastors, including Augustus and Mary who are currently in their second year of ITS, Baltimore.
Currently, I have eighteen (18) pastors and eight (8) church branches in Ghana and one (1) in Ivory Coast. We are also working on another team to be trained this year and next year. Church building project of 2,500-seat capacity is ongoing with the desire to win more souls for the Kingdom of God. I am looking forward to starting a prayer camps project at the various locations where God has instructed.
This year marks our 30th anniversary convention where my wife Lady Rose Arthur, myself, and the entire Rock City Church International branches in Africa will be coming together at the Rock City Church headquarters, Accra Ghana in celebration of the faithfulness of God. Until my assignment here on earth is over, I’ll keep gathering the saints of God till the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Pastor Millicent Vesna Arthur
Pastor Millicent Vesna Arthur is my name and I am and old student of CCSM. My journey to the Cromwell Christian School of Ministry started on October 31, 2003 when my father Apostle Arthur and my mother Lady Rose Arthur and Myself embarked on a trip to the United States of America, Baltimore Maryland. It was then the 20th anniversary of Rock City Church in Baltimore of which both parents were invited.
Before my journey to CCSM, there were uncountable prophecies of the calling of God over my life. The consistency of these prophecies and its accuracy made me believe that, I needed to act fast so I went through the First Principles Teaching and Training at an early age and I got baptized at the age of 11 by the first Missionary who was sent to Ghana from Virginia Beach. I kept serving God in the church in various departments while schooling until 2002, when Bishop Bart Pierce made his first appearance in my life during the metal steel church building dedication. During the church service, Bishop Bart called me out from the choir and prophesied that I needed to be trained by a man of God; for the calling of God was upon me. He called me Dynamite! I wept throughout the prophecy for my spirit just knew that the time was now.
It was then, that the church members clapped their hands in celebration of the prophecy and giving glory to God for the confirmation of previous prophecies and it was also evident that Bishop never knew me from anywhere; neither did he know that I was the daughter of Apostle Arthur.
After a couple of months, I felt led to write a letter to Bishop Bart that I wanted to be trained by him. Bishop responded to my letter and an admission letter was sent to me of which I applied for a USA visa and I was granted a 2-year religious worker visa.
On November 1, 2003, I met Bishop for the second time and this time it was in Baltimore at Rock City Church. It was a whole new experience during the convention and it was like my whole being was transformed. I was physically new to the place but I was familiar with the presence of God there so it was like home to me especially whenever I entered the sanctuary or the prayer room.
I was then introduced to the dean of the CCSM who loved and took interest in counselling and shaping me for the best. She instantly became a mother and a coach to me. She walked with me to the CCSM classroom and said to me that, this is where we will be meeting with God and the Holy Spirit for the next 2 years, and I gave her one of my biggest smiles.
My first day at school was a bit emotional, my parents had then gone back to Ghana and I felt alone in a strange land yet I felt the love of Bishop, Pastor Coralee and almost everybody around. I stayed at the Hiding Place with the ladies and that was where I learnt to cook and did chores. It was a little familiar to me due to the fact that I was a boarder in one of the Senior High Schools in Ghana called Yaa Asantewaa Girls Secondary School, just that this time I was with ladies who were hurt yet determined to make things work for the better while searching for God.
Prayer room experience was one of my best during that time. It was almost like, the deep in me calling unto the deep. I loved the prayer room. I also enjoyed the worship time before classes began. It was always satisfying to the soul.
I walked into the classroom with all these strange pictures on the walls of which I had no idea who they were but I knew they were special individuals that I ought to read about them. I didn’t talk much besides smiling but when it had do with the word of God, I just had to learn and learn it right, so I would follow the dean to her office and ask questions upon questions of which she always satisfied me with the right answers. She gave me the opportunity to share my visions, dreams, insight etc. which help shaped me. I was the youngest and the only African at the time but I saw love like never before.
To me every class was interesting that I would call home and share all that I was learning with my dad. I remembered a class with Pastor Coralee being an interesting one yet I felt so much uncomfortable with it because I felt like the book of the Song of Songs was far from being spiritual.
Certain passages made me felt like I had sinned for even reading yet it was in the Bible and we had an assignment that needed to be done. I guess I never read about it till I was taught in the Bible School and now it has become one of my favorite books in the Holy Bible. Reading it gives me a clear revelation of God’s genuine love and the longing to have an intimate relationship with his people. My understanding of worship grew to a whole new level. The class has been impactful to me in many ways. My marriage has been a blessing based on the very book that I once thought was awkward for being in the Bible.
Her class became a blessing to me that I wouldn’t want to miss it for nothing, especially when I knew that she would end it by sharing chocolates from Switzerland.
My assignment from Bishop was to make sure I come to the stage to hug him and Pastor Coralee at the end of every church service was both the sharpening and the activation seasons of my life. Every hug came with different revelations and energy.
The Prophetic class with Chuck Pierce took me into another dimension of the gift of visions, dreams and whole prophetic atmosphere which made me shake for days. So I will close from school, wabble like a car tire, get on my bed without any hunger for food then just pray. I will go flat on my face on the top of the bunkbed with a huge blue elephant which was gifted to me by Natalie, a big sister from Ukraine that I met in CCSM before her graduation from the Bible School.
We had personal issues but the presence of God took care of things. I saw genuine love, hunger, discipline, hard work and commitment on the part of both students and Teachers. No moment in CCSM was taken for granted.
I came back to my country and to my people totally transformed. I have never stopped preaching since I have been back. The understanding of God’s word gave me the urge and it was so much that every word that came out of my mouth had to be about God. This opened doors for me to stand on many platforms here in Ghana to share the word of God even before I was ordained as a Pastor.
I served the church with all that I learned from CCSM in various department for four years before I was ordained as a Pastor and I have continued to work with the church full time, working as a First Principles Teacher, Children Ministry Pastor, Youth Pastor, Praise and Worship Leader, a member of the Planning Committee in the Church, Women’s Ministry Supervisor and above all, planting churches and visiting all the Rock Branches in Ghana until the journey of pregnancies and education set in after I moved into my new home with my dear husband Elvis Kwabena Amponsah who has been very supportive all time.
I joined in fully again after graduating from Valley View University and I became the assistant dean of Rock Church Christian School of Ministry (RCCSM). I’m currently a non-practiced trained government teacher who majored in Business Management in Education. I have a passion to start my own school starting from crèche of which will be launch soon and a Board Member of KOBECK PRESTIGE LIMITED COMPANY (lending company).
I am a wife and proud mother of 3 beautiful children and the third in command of
Rock City Church Ghana, the second in command of Rock City Church Headquarters in Accra, the Youth Pastor of Rock Church HQ, also the assistant dean of Rock Church Christian School of Ministry in Ghana.
The last prophecy I received during my final year in CCSM was that, I was an arrow in the hand of the Lord and that His anointing upon me has no geographical limitations and that he was going to take me far beyond what the eyes can see. God was going to raise a great number of generation of Jesus lovers due to my obedience and that has been my assignment since. I have seen evidence of these prophecies in numerous ways. From children I taught in Sunday school becoming either pastors in the church or serving in different department to others faithfully serving in different ministries.
I look forward to raising more sons and daughters for the Kingdom of God. Make use of lands that the Lord has blessed me with to build a Hiding Place for Women in Crisis situations and Widows where I come bring them closer and closer to God.
It’s my desire to raise financial giants and professionals in the kingdom of God, Training children in the ways of the Lord through education, Lifting the banner of Jesus higher through the undiluted word of GOD and pure worship in every territory and corner on the surface of the earth. Piercing every kingdom with endless prayers and declarations till the fullness of God’s glory is seen.
I will continue to work together with the whole team to put Rock City Church of Ghana on the Map of Ghana and continue to walk in my assignment till I’m laid to rest at my old age, and even with that I pray my seeds will carry on and do greater works for Elohim who has entered into an unbroken covenant with me and my household.