March 16, 2021 2024-11-08 10:15About
Throughout the course of the year, CCC students serve in various Ministries of Compassion, including Adopt-a-Block; The Hiding Place, a home for women in criss; The Rock Garden Greenhouse; and many others! From inner city block parties to serving at A Can Can Make a Difference food warehouse, students are encouraged to "put their hands to the plow" and fully engage in the work of the ministry.
By enrolling in CCC, you are asking to be raised up as one of God’s workers. There is no higher calling, nothing more challenging to do with your life, and nothing more long lasting and life changing.
Teach & Equip
We firmly believe in the need to equip the body of Christ. We embrace the Great Commission of Matthew given to us by Jesus, Himself – teach and preach the word, teach obedience to the word, and make disciples of all men.
Awakening to Revival
We believe that we are on the edge of a coming move of God unlike anything we have seen before. We can read of past revivals, we can remember the stories of old, but our cry that goes up before God is:
If not us, who? If not now, when? If not here, where?
Visiting CCC
You are welcome to visit our beautiful campus! Email: [email protected] with the subject "Campus Visit" to plan your visit today!"